Friday, December 16, 2016

Production of Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines are manufactured by repeatedly diluting and succussing (shaking) a preparation of the original substance, mainly plants and minerals, in water and alcohol. After dilution the medicine is added to lactose tablets or pillules.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Homeopathic Potency Selection -2

              Homeopathic Potency Selection                 Beyond Hahnemann

Even during the life of Hahnemann there was a split among homeopaths. A section believed in the use of potentized remedies and another believed in crude doses on the basis of Simila.
Among those who used the potentized remedies, most were not in favor of very high potencies. During the later years of Hahnemann, the proponents of the crude doses decreased and the higher potencies came into greater use.

Homeopaths of all times have remained divided over the question of potency selection and even 160 years after Hahnemann’s death, the question of potency selection is still open-ended. Let us take a look at the views of some leading homeopaths of different eras.

Boenninghausen, a contemporary of Hahnemann, was clearly in favor of high potencies. He wrote many papers in support of high potencies and listed therein many advantages like –
1. The sphere of action continually enlarges with high potencies so that in chronic ailments they hasten the cure,
2. In acute diseases, the effect appears quicker, and
3. They act in spite of discretion in diet.

Homeopaths like T. F. Allen, Richard Hughes, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Henry Dearborn, J. H. Clarke, Dr. George Royal, Boericke, Pierce, Edgar were in favor of low potencies and advised the same in most cases. On the other hand homeopaths like Boenninghausen, Hering, Lippe, Guernsey, Raue, Dunham, H. C. Allen, Kent, Boger, Nash, Roberts were all in favor of medium and high potencies. We can add to this list the names of Bell, Beronville, Borland, Stuart Close, Curie, Dewey, Gross, Fincke, Swan, Skinner, Jenichen, Ghose, Grauvogl, Hubbard, Sir John Weir, Margaret Tyler, Pulford, Templeton, Yingling, Waffensmith, P.P. Wells and Pierre Schmidt etc. All these homeopaths used the higher potencies with great success.

Most modern homeopaths like George Vithoulkas, Rajan Sankran, Jan Scholten, Prafull Vijayakar, Bill Gray, Robin Murphy, Alfons Geukens, Vesalis Ghegas, Massimo Mangilavori, Banerjeea, Anne Schadde, Luc de Schepper, Andre Saine, Eileen Naumann, Jayesh Shah, Jermey Sherr, Tinus Smits, Wolfgang Springer, Alize Timmerman etc. seem to be in favor of using higher potencies. Being in favor of high potencies does not mean using the high potencies to the exclusion of lower ones. The master homeopaths of the past and the present have been able to use the full range of potencies, from lowest to the highest, depending upon the case. The potencies most commonly used now a days are 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, CM and the LM scale.

The LM scale has not been very popular among homeopaths, primarily due to historical reasons. It now seems to be coming into greater use as modern homeopaths are experimenting with it more and more. The likes of Schmidt, Kunzli, Voegeli, Patel, Chaudhary and Sankaran etc. have reported many cures with the use of LM potencies.

Now let us go through the views of some of these homeopaths in detail.

Boger seems to have utilized all potencies but was partial towards very high potencies. His favorite prescription appears to have been a single dose of DMM.

Borland says that in treating purely local conditions, remedies for the organ or tissues may be used in low potencies, as also in advanced pathological conditions and sensitive patients. When there is general similarity in addition to local indications, medium or high potencies may be preferred. He also says the more acute the disease, the higher the potency.

Clarke says that for ordinary practice, with acute illness, the lower dilutions from the 1C to 3C will be most useful. For chronic diseases, the higher dilutions would be required.

Close gives the following considerations that influence the choice of the dose –
1. The greater the characteristic symptoms of the drug in the case, the greater the susceptibility to the remedy and the higher the potency required.
2. Age: medium and higher potencies for children
3. Higher potencies for sensitive, intelligent persons.
4. Higher potencies for persons of intellectual or sedentary occupation and those exposed to excitement or to the continual influence of drugs.
5. In terminal conditions even the crude drugs may be required
He also writes “Different potencies act differently in different cases and individuals at different times under different conditions. All may be needed. No one potency, high or low, will meet the requirement of all cases at all times.”
Curie opines that in acute diseases the low dilutions are to be preferred but in chronic diseases, the high dilutions promise greater success.

Edgar reports having treated cases successfully for twenty-five years with low dilutions and mother tinctures.

Gentry feels that in progressive diseases such as fevers and contagions, remedies must be given in medium or low potencies.

Blackie reports that in cases of real organic change due to infective causes a high potency might clear them up.

Grauvogl enumerates some rules for the use of potencies. He writes –
1. If we have to act on single parts, against single qualitative cause, we had better use low dilutions, as in haemorrahge before or after childbirth.
2. With high potencies, symptoms pass away quietly leaving no trace.
3. In dealing with a change of process of reduction or of oxidation or vice-versa, we must use the low dilutions.
4. But to dissolve process of retention, high potencies are indicated.
5. Nutritive remedies act better in low dilutions, functional remedies in high dilutions.
6. A chronic case, esp., when based upon retention in a carbo-nitrogenoid constitution, can be cured best by high potencies.

##culled from:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Homeopathic Potency Selection -1

              Homeopathic Potency Selection 
Even during the life of Hahnemann there was a split among homeopaths. A section believed in the use of potentized remedies and another believed in crude doses on the basis of Simila. Among those who used the potentized remedies, most were not in favor of very high potencies. During the later years of Hahnemann, the
proponents of the crude doses decreased and the higher potencies came into greater use.

Homeopaths of all times have remained divided over the question of potency selection and even 160 years after Hahnemann’s death, the question of potency selection is still open-ended. Let us take a look at the views of some leading homeopaths of different eras.

The term Posology originates from Greek words ‘posos’ meaning ‘how much’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘study’. In homeopathy, Posology means the doctrine of dose of medicine. A homeopathic dose means the potency, quantity and form of medicine as well as repetition. As it is a very lengthy topic to explore, I will just focus on the potency selection part of Posology.

Before we try to learn more about the potency selection, let us first summarize what potencies are available to a homeopath.
1. The Centecimal Scale, evolved by Hahnemann, denoted by the numerical designation of the potency or by the number followed by the suffix C or CH, e.g., 30C or 200C.
2. The Decimal Scale, evolved by Hering and denoted by the suffix X, after the number, e.g., 200x.
3. The 50 Millesimal or LM Scale – also known as Quinquagintamillesimal or Q potencies. Hahnemann evolved this scale in the last years of his life.

Potencies can be broadly classified as low, medium, and high. Low potency designates anything from Q to 12C, medium from 12C up to 200C and high from 200C upwards to DM, MM, DMM.

It is believed that the higher potencies were first prepared by Korsakoff in 1834 but came in popular use with Jenichen’s high potencies after 1844.

Now coming back to the question of potency selection, we will start exploring the views of renowned homeopaths of various eras. It would be appropriate to begin our tour with Hahnemann himself
– the person who conceived homeopathic potencies.

Hahnemann first started to employ ‘similar’ medicines around 1790 and 8 years later began to experiment with gradual reductions in dosage. As a physician, he clearly became increasingly satisfied with the results of using dynamized medicines, because he continued to use them in preference to material doses until the end of his long life.

He started to conduct the very first experiments with dose reduction in the year 1798. This includes 2x, 4x and 2c. According to Peter Morrel’s research, In 1799 Hahnemann began to reduce the dose further, using 5x, 6x, 3c and 8x. In 1800 he begins to use 10x and in 1803 12c appears for the very first time. In 1805 the 18th centesimal dilution appears, which was to prove one of the most consistently favourite potencies that he used throughout his long career. In 1816 30c makes its first appearance and this remained his most extensively used and most highly recommended potency of all time.

Further developments include the first mention of 6c in 1819 and the first mention of 60c in 1824. In 1830 he first mentions Olfaction as a means of drug administration and this remained a very popular method with him until the end of his life. Finally, in 1838 the LM potencies make their first appearance. Towards the end of his life, he was moving more and more towards the use of LM potencies but still gave Centesimal potencies to majority of his patients.

During Hahnemann’s lifetime, he is known to have generally used only potencies up to 30C. But Farrington quotes Madame Hahnemann as saying that he had used the 200th and the 1000th when necessary. The 1000th, however, he seems to have used only once.

##culled from:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Did you know

                               Did you know
The oldest national medical professional organization in the United States is the American Institute of Homeopathy
“Homeopathy – effective natural remedies that have no side effects”

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
Professor of Illinois Medical School
The medicinal tree bark cinchona, which led to the founding of homeopathy is commonly used in tonic water and bitters even today.
The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, gave the name allopathy to the conventional system of medicine
Homeopathy is a mode of treatment available on the National Health Service in Britain and is fully funded by the Government.
Gradually more and more countries like Australia, Canada and USA are accepting homeopathy as a main stream mode of treatment.
In Brazil there are approximately 1,500-2,000 prescribers of homeopathic remedies, in Mexico, approximately 27,550 physicians, in India, and all over the world, many physicians count on the efficacy of homeopathic remedies.
“Patient outcome studies at the NHS homeopathic hospitals show that on average 70% of patients report positive health changes after homeopathic treatments – these are patients who have usually exhausted all the conventional options first and are coping with intolerable suffering.”
Sally Penrose,
Chief Executive
Faculty of Homoeopathy
“Homeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years.”
Yehudi Menuhin
World famous violinist
German Soccer Stars Sold on Homeopathic Remedies:  A study just published on how German soccer doctors treat aches and pains has revealed that Germany’s faith is in “homeopathic doping.”  “The success stories are impressive,” said Peter Billigmann, a sports doctor and the head of the institute that carried out the study.
Worldwide, homeopathy has continued to grow and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the most widely practiced form of medicine, second only to allopathic medicine.
The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital in the UK offers its remedies on the NHS for more than 50 medical conditions from cancer and arthritis to depression and irritable bowel syndrome.

Hemlock which has been used since ancient times as a poison, is commonly used as a homeopathic remedy to treat conditions like breast engorgement.
UK doctors using homeopathy cost the Government 12% less than doctors who do not use homeopathy. (Natural Medicine Society News, June 1992).
Homeopathy promotes the use of a number of day-to-day food substances, herbs and plants as remedies to treat complex conditions.  Common substances used as homeopathic remedies are table salt, ginger, peppermint, basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, pumpkin, etc.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have called for closer incorporation of homeopathy into “western medical systems.” (WHO Bulletin, 1999, 77, 2, 160-165
Homeopathy provides effective healing for only cents a day, and is safe enough to give to infants.
In Spain, homeopathic training has been offered for over 15 years in collaboration with the most prestigious universities and in collaboration with the Physicians Association.  The number of physicians prescribing homeopathic remedies is estimated to be about 4,000.
It is a common myth that homeopathy is only good for treating chronic diseases. As more and more people worldwide are discovering, homeopathy has a fantastic effect in acute conditions.
40% of French doctors use homeopathy, and the patients using homeopathy cost the French Government half of that for patients who use orthodox treatments. (Archives of Family Medicine, 1998, 7, 537-40)
Homeopathic treatment in a number of conditions can prevent the need for surgery.  Common examples being treatment of tonsillitis, appendicitis, etc.
Garden plants like marigold, periwinkle, primrose, peony, poppy are commonly used as medicines in homeopathy
There are homeopathic hospitals in Britain run by the British National Health Service, and private homeopathic hospitals.
Homeopathy is a gentle and powerful form of healing that has withstood the test of time.
In Italy, 7,500 physicians prescribe homoeopathic remedies.  Training is offered in the major cities.
Homeopathy has none of the side effects, dependency or tolerance problems of pharmaceutical drugs.
65% to 80% of the world’s population (about 3 billion people) rely on traditional (alternative) medicine as their primary form of health care according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The users of homeopathy have a higher level of satisfaction with their treatment than those using orthodox medical treatment. (British Homeopathic Journal, October 1989, 78, 219-229)
“When you reflect that your own father had to take such medicines as the above, and that you would be taking them today yourself but for the introduction of homoeopathy which forced the old-school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business, you may honestly feel grateful that homeopathy survived the attempts of the allopathists to destroy it, even though you may never employ any physician but an allopathist while you live.”

Mark Twain
The Complete Works of Mark Twain: The Novels, short stories, essays and satires, travel writing, non-fiction, the complete letters, the complete speeches, and the autobiography of Mark Twain. Harpers Magazine 1890
It has been a common myth that homeopathic remedies take a long time to act.
69% of French physicians think that homeopathic treatment is “effective.” (Étude MV2 9/97)
42% of British doctors refer their patients for homeopathic treatment. In the UK, homoeopathy is the only form of natural medicine supported by the National Health Service (Natural Medicine Society News, June 1992)
The European Parliament has called for homeopathy to be integrated into medical practice. (Archives of Internal Medicine, 159, 17, September 27, 1999)
45% of Dutch doctors use homeopathy (Family Practice, 1990, September, 7, 3, 227-232)
The French Medical Association has called for homeopathy to be included in all medical degree training. (Archives of Internal Medicine, 159, 17, September 27, 1999)
66% of UK pharmacies sell homeopathic medicines. (The Pharmaceutical Journal, October 16, 1999, 263, 644-646
Homeopathy is the most frequently used natural medicine in Italy and the typical user, as in other western countries is well educated, 35-44 and female. (European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2002, April, 58 (1), 61-4).
There are more than 250,000 registered homeopaths in India.
In Italy, 16,000 pharmacies stock homeopathic medicines and the homeopathy market in Italy generates a turnover of 129 million Euros. (Financial Times, May 3, 2002)
Homeopathy’s effectiveness has been demonstrated in hundreds of clinical trials.
In Switzerland, in the 10 years to 2002, interest in homeopathy has risen by 300% and homeopathy is rebatable by most health insurance providers. (Swiss Radio International, May 2, 2002)
39% of Belgium paediatricians are in favour of homeopathy (Homoeopathy, 2002, 91, 262).
A student in a homeopathy college in India goes through the same curriculum as a student in a conventional medical college.  A graduate from an Indian homoeopathic college is awarded the title of “Doctor”.
“There have been two great revelations in my life: The first was bepop, the second was homeopathy.”
Attributed to Dizzy Gillespie
Great jazz musician
For practitioners

The extract of cinchona is used in conventional medical therapy for treating cardiac arrhythmias.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

History of Homoeopathy

                     History of Homoeopathy  
Homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘like cures like’ – in other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same
symptoms it causes if it was taken in large amounts. 

This idea dates back to Hippocrates (460-377BC), who also thought that symptoms specific to an individual should be taken into account before making a diagnosis. This is also an important principle of homeopathy, where an individual’s unique symptoms are important in distinguishing the correct medicine.

Samuel Hahnemann

The idea of like curing like was not to re-emerge in any great way until a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) came to devise the system of medicine that we know as homeopathy.

Hahnemann trained in medicine and chemistry. Working as a doctor in the late 18th century, he was dissatisfied with the conventional medical practices of his day. Blood-letting, purging and giving patients large doses of toxic materials such as arsenic and lead were commonplace. Hahnemann disagreed with these harsh methods.

He was investigating the effects of various medicinal substances on himself and other healthy volunteers when he deduced that an illness could be treated with a very small amount of a substance that, in larger quantities, could cause that illness.

To avoid harmful effects from normal doses of the substances he diluted each medicine until he reached the greatest dilution that would still produce a response. These experiments were called provings and led him to observe and describe the basic principles of homeopathic medicine.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Is homeopathy safe?

                      Is homeopathy safe? 
Safe and effective

Homeopathy is perfectly safe. This is because homeopathic medicines are made from a very small amount of the active ingredient. Two hundred years of practice, research and trials have proved the safety of this gentle system of medicine for both people and animals.

Gentle and non-addictive

Unlike some conventional drugs, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and have no dangerous side-effects. Homeopathy is safe
to use for babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women, who are under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor.

Regulated practice

Members of the Faculty of Homeopathy are doctors and other statutorily registered healthcare professionals bound to act within the competence of their profession and their level of training and qualification in homeopathy. This means that a homeopathic medicine would not be prescribed when, for example, a conventional treatment is actually the better option for a patient.


Friday, August 12, 2016

What is homeopathy?

                      What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. In other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if it were taken in large amounts.

The holistic nature of homeopathy means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit and emotions are all considered in the management and prevention of disease. Taking all these factors into account a homeopath will select the most appropriate medicine based on the individual’s specific symptoms and personal level of health to stimulate their own healing ability.

Homeopathic medicines are safe to use as they rarely cause side-effects. This means when used appropriately under the guidance of a qualified homeopath they can be taken by people of all ages, including babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
